Thursday, August 19, 2004

Probation for AIDS Institute Convict, or was it Parole? Maybe it was Bail Pending Appeal?

Evalúan Dar Probatoria a Convicto Instituto Sida reads the headline in El Vocero, which would translate into "Probation Being Considered for Convicted AIDS Institute." This immediately called my attention, since I was aware that all of those convicted had already been sentence to prison and two of them had appeals pending before the First Circuit. It was once more, a case of the headline not fitting the story. What was actually going on was that the federal Judge had granted a government motion for denial of bail pending appeal. But even the story itself was all messed up when it referred to parole ("libertad bajo palabra"). Of course, what you have are reporters who mainly speak Spanish, translating from English motions or orders they obtain, and then try to put it into their own words in Spanish. Additionally you have a complete disconnect between the reporter and the headline writer. Probation, parole, bail pending appeal ....what's the difference? Don't they all mean the guy is not in jail?